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Recommended Books 2024

The Bible as we know it was written as people were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God(Timothy 3:16). As Jesus said when the Spirit of truth comes, He shall guide you into all truth(John 16:3). There are depths of wisdom great men and women of God have received through fellowship with the Holy Spirit, which they share in books able to help us in our Christian journey. Ecclesiastes 1:9, that which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Every circumstance and situation is never new, what you experience now has been experienced by another before and many of such are written in books serving as survival guides. Find here books that can deepen our understanding and open us up to greater dimensions.

Current Read

As you read this book, I trust you will meet the Holy Spirit personally in its pages. He wants to be your senior partner, too. When you develop that close communion with Him, He Will make a difference in your business, your family relation- ships, your decision making-in every area of your life.

-Paul Yonggi Cho

Available on Amazon 

Holy Spirit, My Senior Partner: Understanding the Holy Spirit and His Gifts