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Why are you cast down O my soul?

Psalm 42:11, David questions the stance of his inner man, a question today’s “religious man or woman would avoid, or even claim as blasphemy. We hide our emotions behind the curtain of wavering belief or a lack of understanding of the human part of us. Why are you cast down O my soul and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him my salvation and my God. In Mathew 26:38, Jesus was in the exact position of owning up to the hurt and pain He felt deep down within. Yet He found the strength to say, not as I will but as you will. Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah, was fully man as He fulfilled His task of redemption on earth. He felt every emotion and pain we could ever feel.

Yet, in John 12:27-28 He professed His emotion but this time He knew the end goal of His affliction. He knew the glory that awaited Him. One thing we can reckon is, at that point He needed a reminder of the end goal. Right then, He received just once more a glimpse; “Father glorify your name, then a voice came from heaven, I have glorified it and I will glorify it again“. In our affliction, we need a revelation, a reminder of the end goal. The voice of God in the midst of the turmoil, the light at the end of the tunnel. Do not succumb to mere why, leading to depression and downcast Spirit but hold on to the hope and the glory that awaits

Our advantage as believers is faith and hope, these are not myths nor elements for believers to have their gaze into thin air. Our faith shows us the end plan. As Paul puts it, our present affliction cannot be compared to the Glory that awaits us(Romans 8:18). God speaks to us from His reality, He sees the end from the beginning and if we focus on His perspective, then we can stand the trials of time.

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