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The renewed mind-the mind of Christ I


Philippians 2: 5-8

Let this same mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

The renewed mind although an ongoing process, the goal is this- to bear the mind of Christ. From the simple verses above, we learn a great deal from our Lord Jesus Christ. Mostly equated with mere humility, the mind of Christ, is more than the issue of humility. Let’s dive into the Word…

As already discussed, the renewed mind takes after the image of its origin and means a restoration unto the divine plan. This image is that of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we bear his image, we also bear his mindset, ideologies, and nature. Paul’s rendition in the scripture of study, we learn much about Christ’s humility in service. He inhibited a mindset that was esteemed highly and was rewarded greatly at the end of His walk upon the earth(Philippians 2:10-11). What does it mean to have the mind of Christ then?

Beginning from verse 6, the apostle explains that though Christ was in the form of God, did not count equality with God. Christ had the exact and accurate nature of God, He possessed all His qualities and characteristics. Christ was the very imprint nature of God(John 1:1). Many times we tend to boast in the words of David in Psalms 82:6, you are gods, and all of you are the children of the Most High. However, as we learn of Christ, in John 10:34, he teaches that the statement made by David brings us to the consciousness of the nature of God in us and what truly defines us. But this is by no means to count equality with the Father, as He himself being the very imprint of God, did not see this nature as one to boast of. But relinquished himself of every privilege of the Godlike nature and took upon himself the nature of a bondservant. David continues by saying and all of you are children of the most High, portraying that the substance of our godly nature is interdependent and solely manifested by allowing the authority of God over our lives.

Furthermore, to understand the mind of Christ, it is important to understand who a bondservant is. The apostles, like Paul, described themselves in this same word. The word which by definition is one who is bound to services without wages. In Romans 6:15-20, Paul teaches that we were once slaves to sin but are now slaves of righteousness by the grace and faith through Jesus. The apostle goes further in stating that we have been set free from sin becoming slaves of God bearing fruits of holiness and everlasting life. These are not words sugarcoated to bring us into unrealistic self-righteousness but go way deeper. The first to note as a bondservant of God is that you are not your own. Beloved the context of being a slave is not in anyways to belittle or count for nothing our identity in God but is a requirement to live unto God( 1 Corinthians 7:23). Yes ye are Gods as according to David by identity, but according to Paul live as a slave to God to fulfill and establish his will and purposes. Living righteously unto God, brings us into the economy of His will. The bondservant has the requirement of righteous living for God and a life sentenced to sacrifice and total submission.

We continue the study same time tomorrow. As you engage in God’s word today may you receive revelation and may the eyes of your understanding be enlightened. Good morning Beloved.

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