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The purpose of Prayer

When the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable.- (Dr Myles Munroe). Actually, the purpose is the motivation that started creation. Everything God made is built in it a purpose that is the original intent for which the thing was made. The concept behind a manufacturer’s product defines its purpose for it. So is the concept of prayer. 

Basically what motivated prayer is revealed in The book of Genesis 1:26 

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

We must bear in mind that whatever God says becomes law and He will never violate His own words, He has also exalted His word above Himself. Hence when He declared that the whole realm of the earth belongs to man whom He had created and planted in the earth He actually meant it and it is a universal law up until now, this law has never been broken. To the extent that when He needed to come in flesh to save man He could not have just appeared as a spirit but as flesh in the form of Christ Jesus who reconciled us back unto Himself. In order for God to intervene in the affairs of man He requires a man ,man to stand in the gap to ensure His purposes, will, plan, and counsel stand. This is what makes prayer one of the most powerful forces and weapons in the world. 

John Wesley of the Wesleyan mission once said it seems God can do nothing for humanity until man prays.

Archbishop Duncan Williams known as the Apostle of Strategic prayers also made a profound statement that prayer is the necessity for survival and the maintenance of daily victory in the life of a believer. 

What this blog seeks to do is to bring  to bear some of the reasons behind the holy sacrament called prayer in the life of a believer:

Prayer reveals the hand of God 

Elijah was a man of prayer and governmental intercession; his prayers locked up the heavens over Samaria and also opened it up all by the weapon of prayer. He departed by prophetic mandate that there should not be any rain for 3 years and 6 months and it was so. But when time came for him to ask God to visit the land it did not come by just declaration alone he had to enter into 7 dimensions of prayer to  call forth rain from the heavens. He needed to attain a certain posture in the realms of the spirit and physical to engage the hand of God so as to call forth rain. I tell you brethren prayer is work. And things don’t just happen in order to engage the hand of God one ought to move from their comfort zone and do business with God in the place called prayer.

Prayer enforces the will of God 

Jesus the other day taught his disciples how to pray he admonished them that when they pray they should pray that the will of God come and his kingdom be done on the earth as it is in heaven . Prayer is the channel through which you can enquire of the will of God here on earth concerning your life destiny and of those connected to you. Jesus also deployed this weapon in the garden of Gethsemane, he was travailed in prayer till he prayed the fathers will, His way to the cross to die for our sins.

Prayer reveals the plans and purposes of God.

The plans and purposes of God in each stage of our lives is revealed through prayer after Daniel had prayed and seek the face of God in prayer and fasting that was when the purposes and will of God was made known to him as he read the books of prophecy by understanding what he ought to do during his time. Do you know the plan and purposes of God for your life? Seek God in prayer he will not hide it from you but will reveal himself unto you and to show you even hidden things in your life and destiny 

Prayer builds our intimacy with God 

One of the ways a believer can build a long standing relationship with God is through engaging in prayer. God is a Spirit and the only way man can connect with him is through prayer. By prayer we build inner capacity to tune into the frequency of God. There we are able to communicate to God effectively. Left alone  with our sensual perceptions there is nothing that we can do to be able to understand who God is and what he has in store for us. Prayer goes beyond just asking from God, or taking something from God. God desires fellowship with man. That is why prayer was designed to connect with him.

Prayer strengthens the spirit of a believer. 

One of the most powerful ways man can strengthen his spirit is by engaging in prayer not as a ritual but as a lifestyle when you approach prayer as a means to an end not an end in itself. We only resort to prayer as a fire service unit only when the need arises in our life. This will make you live a defeated life as a believer.Pray when you have and pray when you don’t have, pray when you are sad, pray when you are happy , pray at all times and pray without ceasing.

Prayer unlocks the door way to deliverance 

When prayer becomes the lifestyle of a believer, deliverance from evil is inevitable. You will walk in notable signs and wonders as a believer when you develop an undying attitude of prayer , unresolved issues in your bloodline begin to bow in the face of fervent prayers.

Prayer exposes and destroys the works of the devil.

Jesus says if I by the finger of God cast out the devil it means the kingdom of God had come. Prayer is a twin brother of deliverance, for deliverance goes hand in hand with prayer. In My prayerful life I am able to Stand any evil force. Prayer is like a citadel. No wonder Jesus had a unique prayer life. And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.(Mark 1:35)

Prayer sharpens and strengthens our spiritual senses

With intense prayer your spiritual senses are bound to sharpen. Hardly can any situation take a prayerful person by surprise unless may be God in His sovereignty decides to his from a man or woman of prayer 

Prayer unlock the door way of divine encounters 

As the disciples soon to be apostles gathered in the upper room they were in prayer not having a party. In view of this the Holy Ghost ushered them into a realm which will be known to us the outpouring of the Spirit as was recorded on the day of Pentecost. Prayer ushers in divine encounters. When Paul and Silas were put in prison they began to sing songs and pray. All of a sudden there was an earthquake which brought about a divine intervention to release them from their chains in prison.

Prayer when backed by fasting binds the strong man

The other day the disciples wanted to cast out the devil , but to no avail. Jesus told them that this kind does not except by fasting and prayer. In order to bind the strong man in your life you need to deploy prayer and fasting. That is what the dark forces limiting destiny understands. With prayer and fasting you can contend and confront forces behind any unresolved issues in your life.

Prayer annul generational curses

A prayer backed by the anointing of the Holy Ghost has the power and authority to annul ungodly and evil decrees. With prayer you speak as an oracle of God , with the power of enacting new decrees and ordinances in your background. Certain evidence and legal grounds are blotted in the face of spirit filled prayer.

Prayer can move mountains

A prayer backed by faith has the potency of moving mountains.

Prayer unlocks the wells of the prophetic in the life of a believer

By engaging in prayer consistently the believer ushers in the realm of seeing and hearing from God most especially when it is not self centred prayers but prophetic intercession. God reveals his mind and will to the heart of the believer in the secret place of prayer.

Prayer relieves the believer off afflictions pain and burdens 

The book of James chapter 5 the verse 13, records it plainly that the only antidote to affliction is prayer hence your burden, affliction pain discomfort will not go away just by talking or sharing it with a person, but by holding onto the horns of the altar of God through prayer. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds(2 Corinthians 10:4)

I hope you have been enlightened about the purpose of prayer stay blessed stay anointed 

Akwasi Acheampong

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