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The Leadings of God: sequence of Instructions(part 1)

Exodus 4:21

And the Lord said to Moses,”When you go back to Egypt, see that you do before Pharaoh all the miracles that I have put in your power.

The evidence of God with a man is by the degree to which he carries out the bidding of God. How have you obeyed God? In the life of Moses, He was given a series of instructions, some successful others not so. Today let’s see how God leads us through the sequence of instructions… let’s dive into the Word.

Beloved , let us first explore the meaning of a sequence.

  1. a particular order in which related things follow each other.”the content of the programme should follow a logical sequence
  2. a set of related events, movements, or items that follow each other in a particular order.”a gruelling sequence of exercises”

Accordingly, God works with us by a sequence of instructions, you see the Bible says God is not the author of confusion, order matters to Him(1 Corinthians 15:33). Walking with God is not confusing if we can only heed one instruction after the other. How is God leading you? When last did you obey and carry out the last instruction He gave? In our verse of study, God instructs Moses to do before Pharaoh all the miracles He has put in his power. In the Israelites’ rescue plan, the plagues that befell the Egyptians even followed a sequence. Had Moses not done accordingly, there would not have been a resultant effect. Beloved how God leads us many times does not reveal the entire plan, but a series of instructions which in the end unveils His intention.

A great man of God once said, when God says come, it does not mean do, when He says go it does not mean to just take off like a tornado. Following or carrying out the instructions comes with clear directions, do not add, do not subtract. In the life of the disciples is a concrete example, when Jesus said come, follow me, the totality of His call was not immediately known(Luke 9:59, Mark 1:17, John 1:43). The disciples at one point were weary and were inclined to know what was their reward in the end(Mathew 19:27). As human as we are, we attempt to impose more weight on instruction than intended. We are eager to know where we are heading with God. But we forget that the person we are becoming is more important to God than the destination. It is undeniable that God was with Moses, many times He cried out to God why this burden was upon Him. There were times, he did not execute the instruction with precision(Numbers 20). And in the end, He missed out on the destination.

There is no denying that God has need of you, nor denying that you have been called. But overcome that haste in your innermost being to do what you have not been told, or to make yourself relevant. Pay heed to whom God is building you to become. The haste in your soul represents how unprepared you are, stay until He finally sends you out.

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