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The discerning heart of wisdom: discerning situations.


Job 6:30

Is there iniquity in my tongue? Cannot my taste discern perverse things?

Ezra 3:13

So that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people: for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the noise was heard far off.

Discernment by definition refers to the ability to judge well. The concept of discernment is referred to many times in the bible, relating to seasons, and between evil and good. Have you ever been in a situation in which everything seemed right but on the inside felt wrong and anxious? Or ever encountered a situation so terrifying yet calm on the inside? What does discernment mean in the life of the believer? Indeed, it goes beyond suspicion or intuition, if rightly exercised, discernment can save us from many mishappens… let’s get into the Word.

The story of Job, is one mainly known for His ability to withstand a situation without departing from God. However, amidst his turmoil, Job mostly cried out to God concerning his demise. He cried out not understanding what has come upon him and why. His friends came up with theories that Job might have sinned and for that reason is being punished. It took a wise man amongst them to rightly discern the situation. Job in the beginning of his story is described as blameless and upright, one who feared God and avoided evil(Job 1). Now the topic of discussion here is discerning a situation from God or the enemy. Every hierarchy of significance in Job’s life was affected, His family, his wealth, and his well-being. But in chapter 2:10 Job asked a very important question;”shall we accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” Where am I going with this you may wonder, this is not a matter of temptation but rather discerning a situation permitted by God or incited by God and the purpose of a situation. You see this is a man, in whom no grounds for iniquity was found, the fact that one is pure does not exempt him or her from mishappens. Discernment is not merely to understand danger but to understand living and helps fortify the spirit. Job understood from his speech in chapter 7 and consequently in chapter 2, that his situation was permitted by God, incited by the enemy but did not perceive that it was yet for the glory of God to be seen. This is an aspect of discernment many do not understand, it is the ability to rightly judge every situation. In Job’s situation his friends accused him of either sinning against God or being chastened by God, none had the discernment that this was a trying of his heart. Situations can be deceiving if judged by emotions, but by wisdom we must learn to interpret situations for what they are meant rather than looking momentarily at what is happening.

In the second scripture of study, when the temple of the Lord was being built, we read from the chapter that many of the priests and Levites and heads of the fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first temple wept, yet many shouted for joy. These men had seen the glory of the former temple, the ones who shouted for joy were seeing mediocrity as a blessing and could not discern what the temple ought to be; to go from glory to glory. This is the situation of many believers because we are unable to discern rightly, we may deem certain levels of achievement as victory when on the contrary the stakes are still high. In this case, it takes maturity in discernment for one to rightly judge. Hebrews 5:14, strong matters can but only be judged by matured ones who by exercising their senses can discern good and evil. Exercising of senses is what distinguishes a physical sight from the spiritual. What do I mean by this? As already stated emotions can be deceiving, but men who are able to master their emotions go beyond sensual perception. By this one can discern what is right from what is good, in matters of discernment good does not mean right. From Proverbs 14:12, we understand from scripture, that there is a way that seems right to a man but the end is the way of death. So then if discernment can properly function the future will be secured. Maturity in the ability to discern rightly, comes with a level of power that strengthens one’s convictions. This means that discernment must have accuracy, no confusion or whatsoever. As we embark on a journey concerning this topic, pray the Lord will give understanding and the much needed strength.

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