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The desire to know God, the pathway to life.


John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent

Jeremiah 9:23-24 Thus says the Lord: ”Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches, but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord exercising lovingkindness, judgment and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight declares the Lord”

God never imposes His will on us as men and women. He lays before us the options and gives us the liberty to choose. The consequences are revealed in the choices we make in exercising our self-will . When we set our hearts to know our maker, we exercise our will to deliberately seek Him and to have a relationship with Him, it is the best choice we can ever make. ..let’s get into the Word

Choosing God is a conscious decision each individual has to make and knowing God is the most crucial decision in one’s life. That choice is backed by a daily sacrifice of your personal desires and every selfish gain. The real desire to know God is not to gain things but to freely surrender to gain God. One may ask why do I need God or why do I need to know God, what would I gain or what would God do for me? Life in its eternity is found in God, and its fullness as Jesus teaches in John 17, eternal life is when we come to the knowledge of God. The mystery hidden in this is that you were created by God and you can only discover yourself in Him. Your escape from Him is to your own destruction, as Jesus said I am the way the truth, and the life( John 14:6). No one travels an unknown journey without a map, for a traveler to get to the right destination he needs to have a map that guides him on what route to take.

If a traveler decides to abandon his map, he will only end up lost, once lost, his journey would be prolonged, his supplies would be exhausted and he might end up dying without reaching his destination. When you come to the realization of how your life is embedded in God, this is the way to discover your identity in Him; the truth, knowing this, routing and leading to the life ordained for you is where purpose, fruitfulness, and fulfillment begin. In John 15 Jesus describes himself as the true vine and His Father the vinedresser, He further explains that if you abide in Him and He in you then you shall bear much fruit. This is not to manipulate man into God but demonstrates your essence in God, a branch cannot bear fruit except it abides in the vine. This means the branch is not existent on its own but is part and parcel of the vine and as the vine is, so is it.

Eternity is not limited by time, eternal life as Jesus prays is to know God, who dwells in eternity. True purpose and a life well lived, is a life that lives an eternal plan, legendary that generations can follow. This is the lineage of the life of eternity passing on from generation to generation. Everything passes away, but the Word of God remains, this is the eternal nature God wants us to be a part of. Everything that exists, exists because God said so, when Adam was created God gave him authority to name everything that was made. The mandate Adam had was to name what God caused to exist, thereby exercising authority as delegated by God, this is also because Adam was under the sovereignty of God.

The effect of our choice is a matter of life and death, whereas the materialization of the choice we make is either glory or shame. I place before you life and death Deuteronomy 30:15, the pursuit of life is a way of love for God as the chapter continues in verse 16, love is demonstrated in obedience. The path of death is the direct opposite, full of self-will, self-admonition, and ignorance. It is written that the fool has said in his heart there is no God, these are corrupt men who have done abominable works and do no good(Psalm 14:1-2). Godlessness is not only rebellion against God but foolishness in the heart of man to know wisdom.

David in Psalm 27:4 brings the understanding that he made the desire to seek and dwell in the presence of the Lord his pursuit, to seek and to know the depths and dimensions of God and His counsel. For David understood the path to this life the Lord wants us to have a hold of, in the exact words of the verse is to behold the beauty of the Lord which is His glory as admonished in Jeremiah 9:23-24. There is nothing worth boasting about except in knowing God and committing yourself to His ways, the world is passing away and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever (1 John 2:17). So choose life this day, that you may live to love God and to obey Him, to cling to Him for He is your life and the length of your days(Deuteronomy 30:19-20). Your strength and might are demonstrated in your submission to God.

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