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Demystifying Inner Healing and Deliverance

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.Isaiah 53:5

The concept of deliverance is one of the most controversial phenomenon in Christendom. Amongst some certain sect in Christianity like the cessation movement and other orthodox group they do believe that after the passing away of the Apostles of Christ, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the supernatural works, signs and wonders , working of miracles ceased with them and Jesus. Hence, God,has cease doing them through men. This is really unbiblical and unscriptural, it means this argument has no roots in the Holy Scriptures. This school of thought has landed many in a state of despair, hopelessness, helplessness, doubt and unbelief when it comes to the ministry of deliverance and inner healing and as a subject matter. Some are of the believe that once a person is saved he or she cannot be demonized , he or she automatically changes in spirit, soul and body, this notion is half truth.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,(Luke 4:18)
There are also people who know about the subject matter of exorcism or casting out devils but lack the divine endowment to be empowered or empower members of their church to walk in such dimension ( activation). Like I said before in my previous blogs-( can a believer have a demon? and how to overcome demonic oppression )-that deliverance can be taught and any one who avail themselves through submission, consecration and devotion unto God and the Kingdom can walk in this dimension just as Christ Jesus did while on earth, How God Anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power , who went about doing good and healing them that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him.

Does a person need to be saved to be delivered?
The beginning of true deliverance actually takes place when a believer is translated from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light in our Lord Jesus Christ. In view of this, the Holy Spirit takes resident in the spirit of man (inner man) Our spirit man becomes one with the Holy Spirit. Deliverance and being born again intertwines as it was in the beginning but due to sin man was stripped off the glory and the presence of God. There was separation from God. But Jesus came to restore the presence of God which is the Holy Spirit to reconnect man back to Eden.

However, there are certain chambers or rooms within our soul which has not been yet submitted to The Lordship of the Holy Spirit this will take time in the process of the fellowship with word of God and His Spirit. By engaging in prayer, fasting, worship, this I call the tenets of consecration and sanctification. Especially areas within our soul damaged by traumatic experiences and abuse and molestation and besetting sins.

Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied. )1Peter 1:2)

Hence deliverance is not all about guarding the door to these chambers of our soul but also thoroughly cleansing or cleaning ( inner healing ). Where much torment goes on is in the area of our soul ( emotions, mind , will). Inner healing must complement deliverance and vice versa. When inner healing is done properly or it precedes exorcism or casting out devils it dislodges the toughest demons lurked up within the crevices or rooms of the soul as a result of hurt, deep hurt, abandonment , trauma, and arrested development.

Why there is less impact or results after a deliverance session?
Many a believer are ministered to in this area of their lives where demonic spirits that torment, harass them have been routed out or cast out from them yet there seems to be no or less improvement in their lives.

Some of the cause of this problem emanate from what is known as brokenness or damaged soul, hence inner healing is required for the freedom to be perfected. Deliverance or exorcism, casting out devils , becomes more effective and impactful when is done hand in hand with inner healing.

4 Stages of a broken and Damaged Soul
1. Hurt
2. Deep Hurt
3. Abandonment
4. Trauma
5. Arrested Development
(Apostle Andrew Lewis)

The ministry of deliverance and inner healing is very vital and crucial in our days the demand is so high, in that,there are many who need freedom from the demonic oppression, torment, harassment, defilement, enticement and affliction from the yoke of demonic bondages. This leads to a damaged or broken soul. We live in a broken world a lot of people are broken inwardly due to trans-generational trauma; right from conception in the womb , from birth and during childhood and hence need inner healing to live up to the fullness of their potential and to fulfill their God given mandate and assignment on earth.

9Traits of Damaged Soul
1. Self Loathing -hatred of oneself: people in this state can end up cutting themselves
2. Limited dream Inadequacy Of past fear and disappointment and rejection – fear of rejection, fear of the unknown
3. Waiting for the good to end from bad past experience-False identity and spirit Of heaviness
4. Blame shifting- not taking responsibility – I am empowered to change the situation-enemy make you a victim- victim mentality and immature soul-traumatic -inner healing-honest with self taking responsibility . Drawn to abusers-why? Broken people don’t attract whole people but people full of low self esteem
5. Constantly seeking for approval and seeking for attention and validation – natural desire for affection. There is existence of unrealistic expectation in their relationships.
6. Controlling tendency due to self protection mindset developed over time.
7. Victim mindset not to accept responsibility for their current status of your life will keep them stuck or stagnant in life.
8. Over achieving mindset burn out and dies, value rest.Don’t try to fix everything, this is rooted in rejection and low self worth positive affirmation.Enforcement of slavery mentality.
9. Wrong Value-toxic swell of emotional
Pain and trauma (-Apostle Ryan LeStrange)

There are certain chambers or rooms within our soul which has not been yet submitted to The Lordship of the Holy Spirit this will take time in the process of the fellowship with word of God and His Spirit.

If an individual has these signs there is a greater chance that inner healing is required :

People who need Inner Healing
1. People with a lot of issues with parents
2. Orphan spirit
3. Uncontrollable habit
4. Molestation
5. Rejection
6. depression
7. Suicidal thoughts
8. Excessive guilt and shame
9. Feeling agitated
10. Abortion of children
11. Irritated agitated by Children
12. Abandonment
13. Arrested development
14. Defense mechanism
15. Self justification
16. Projecting how some one feel on others- (Apostle Andrew Lewis)

In our next blog we will learn how to deal with persistent demonic affliction tied to inner healing.

Your Beloved Brother
Nana AKwasi Acheampong

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