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Can a believer have a demon?

Can a believer have a demon?

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so, shall it be also unto this wicked generation. Matthew 12:43-45

Many believers are of the perception that the moment you become born again everything about you changes automatically. This is a half-truth, in that the walk of salvation is three-fold: we are saved (spirit man), we are being saved (soul: mind, will and emotions), we shall be saved (Body puts on immortality) at the second coming of Christ Jesus.

Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.1Peter1:2

First of all the word deliverance is synonymous to salvation. To be delivered from any demonic oppression simply means to be saved or redeemed from such demonic torment, oppression, harassment, defilement, enticement affliction, and bondage or captivity.

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

Whenever a person receives Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and personal savior he or she has just crossed the Red Sea like when the children of Israelites were being pursued by Pharaoh after God delivered them from the captivity, bondage, affliction, and slavery in Egypt. After crossing the Red Sea it did not end there. They even had to contend with the enemies who were already occupying the Land and even in their journey, they war with nations like Jericho, Ai, and so on. This stands to reason that our walk of salvation and walking in total deliverance and freedom is a lifetime journey process not an event as many a believer perceives. Of course, deliverance from a demonic spirit can be instant but there comes a time also when one may need to go through the process of inner healing for their deliverance to be perfected. Since there may be many damages the unclean spirits or demons that were attached to the soul and spirit of man has already caused as a result of the demonic torment, harassment, affliction, defilement, trauma, and suffering. Most especially in the area of our soul. Given this, inner healing is a requirement and a prerequisite for total deliverance and freedom.

After salvation, which is the first deliverance of our spirit man from the bondage of the kingdom of darkness, what is left is to pursue the sanctification of the Word of God and the Spirit of God in constant fellowship wherein we may be delivered from the school and systems of this world which our soul came under. Because there has been a mutation in our thought pattern and belief system before salvation which needs to go through the process of purification and consecration and sanctification. Much will be discussed in our next blog.

Back to the nagging question: can a believer have a demon? I do believe a believer cannot be possessed but there are certain areas and rooms within the crevices and chambers of our soul where demons can occupy due to the legal grounds and open doors in our lives, and there are several causes which will be discussed soon in this blog. Sometimes you wonder why many a believer always come under stronger manifestations of demonic influence even though prayers of deliverance have been offered to them time and time again.

One, it can be due to ignorance. God said in His word that my people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge ( Hosea 3:7). Ignorance of any kind spiritual or secular is a luxury you cannot afford as a born-again believer. God cannot coexist with ignorance. Ignorance is not acceptable in the courtroom of heaven where all curses are warranted. Here the devil, the adversary, satan cannot enact curses; what he rather do is ride on the ignorance and sins and transgressions and iniquity of believers to initiate and enforce a curse based on evidence they have against a believer or any individual based on what exist in their bloodline.

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. Revelation 12:10

Another cause of demonization is unconfessed sin, transgression, and iniquity. Sin is one of the major open doors of being demonized, harassed, tormented, afflicted, and defiled as a believer by demons. Sin , transgression and iniquity is one of the major open doors of demons in the life of a person, especially in relation to unrenounced and unconfessed sin, transgression and iniquity. Iniquities are often linked to generational curse since not all sins warrants the enforcement and initiation of a generational curse. There are degrees and levels of sins. (see Psalm 51, read the whole chapter)

For the Bible says if we confess God is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Whenever sin, transgression, and iniquity creep into the life of a person the enemy uses it as evidence or legal grounds to press charges against man in the courtroom of heaven, where judicial and legislative matters are determined on earth. In view of this, permission may be granted for the believer to be afflicted as a result of walking in constant disobedience to the word of God. The laws, ordinances, and oracles of God are established here on earth to govern the affairs of man and the universe.

One of the root causes of sin, transgression, and iniquity that God detests most and that also warrants demonic attacks and generational curses is idolatry or idol worship. This is a very dangerous path for any man on earth to walk upon for it affects even generations yet unborn. This situation gives the enemy the legal grounds to operate in the life of a particular bloodline involved in such practices of idolatry which may also include: secret societies, occult groups, witchcraft practices, and necromancy. Anyone involved in this sells their souls to the devil and it warrants curses and demonic oppression and torment.

I quite remember after being born again in the year 2010 I still struggle with sleep paralysis and have been tormented and harassed by demonic cobwebs on several occasions at night. I was in a state of helplessness always engulfed by fear and torment. But when I was exposed to this divine intelligence, seeking deliverance in prayers and fasting, and being prayed for by anointed vessels of God I saw massive deliverance in my soul and improvement in spiritual life. You cannot deliver or cast out devils until you have been delivered as a believer. The ministry of prayer and fasting will be discussed in the next blog on how to deploy them to walk in total freedom and liberty.

Even though you may be born again spirit spirit-filled tongue-talking believer yet suffering again. This is as a result of the fact that this attachment of your soul to these unclean spirits or demons has not been renounced and denounced and confessions have not yet been made to that effect, hence the enemy the adversary has the legal grounds from the courtroom of heaven, to afflict and oppress you even though you are a believer. We must know that as a believer the courtroom of heaven is tied and connected to our tongue; no wonder the holy scriptures say whatsoever we bind on earth is already bound in heaven and whatsoever we lose is already loose in heaven. (Matthew 18:18-19). This also reveals the power of prayer and confession of our faith through the finished work of Christ Jesus on the cross. That is what we overcome the enemy with the blood of the lamb is our weapon against the adversary ( Revelation 12: 10-11)

How to know and detect if you are battling or dealing with a demon or a generational curse.

One of the easiest things you can do to detect is in the area of besetting sin. Let’s take for example you have a struggle with lust. There is an addiction to pornography in your life. After you have been prayed for the issue of lust is dealt with. But if the addiction persists it means you are not just dealing with lust in your flesh but a demonic entity is attached and thriving on the issue of lust due to an open door of pornography. Hence the demon occupies the room within the chambers of your soul which can be your emotions, will, and mind. The next cycle to detect if you are dealing with a generational curse is after the demon has been cast out you feel a sense of freedom for a while yet you fall back into the same cycle of addiction, it indicates or signals the fact that you were not just dealing with just a demonic oppression, but there is a root cause of a generational curse that the demons are thriving on to perpetually and constantly keep you bound in that state of captivity, due to the warrant of the generational curse that runs through your bloodline.

In the next blog, I will talk about how to break free from demonic oppression and how to walk in total freedom and deliverance as a believer.

But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness, and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.(Obadiah 1:17)

Your beloved brother
Nana AKwasi Acheampong

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