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The mystery of weariness


Ecclesiastes 1:8

All things are full of weariness; a man cannot utter it, the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.

To the young lady who has waited on God for her marriage, the young man waiting on God for that deal, the one waiting on God for a child, the one waiting on God for a miracle, for an upliftment in every circumstance. It is okay to feel weary, you cannot deceive yourself behind the curtains of faith, hear the Word of the Lord.

Good morning beloved, we all get weary at times. Be it something we seek to achieve, or something we set our focus on and yet finds no manifestation. Weariness is an embedded nature of man arising from repetition without discovery boosted by personal ambitions. Today’s word is a rather short one pertaining to the burden of weariness and how to overcome it.

What you should know about weariness;

  1. Weariness is a stronghold of deception in the mind which causes death leading to the abortion of results (Galatians 6:9, Hebrews 12:3 )
  2. Weariness deduces the value and purity of an acceptable sacrifice (Malachi 1:13). When you offer your sacrifice of prayer, or in any other form,
  3. Weariness finds root in comfort(Job 3:16-17)
  4. Weariness is a result of perception, lack of revelation and lonesomeness (Exodus 18:18)
  5. Weariness is a result of depending on one’s strength (Isaiah 40:30)

Weariness cannot be avoided, it can only take hold when we allow it. And how we rise above it, is by building up our inner man.

Building stability against weariness:

  1. Understand that strength from the Lord overcomes weariness(Isaiah 40:31)
  2. Build resilience, and earnestness (James 5:16 & Galatians 6:9)
  3. Understand that the weariness of man does not weary God, know who God is(Isaiah 7:13)
  4. Admit to it and grace will be made available(Proverbs 30:1-6)
  5. Seek wisdom (Ecclesiastes 10:15)

Beloved, allow yourself to meditate on these points and scriptures today, ask for the help of the Holy Spirit to get the revelation. Receive a fresh anointing to persist in God.

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