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Progressing against strive( Resolve, Retract or Avoid)


Romans 12:18

If it is possible, as much as it depends on you live peaceably with all men.

Mathew 5:16

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

I had to repeatedly read the verses of study to myself, to observe and reflect on whether these are true of me. The generation today, seeks to always prove a point. We seek to let people see that we are tough and will not allow anyone to cheat or hurt us. In our guarded nature do we tend to dismay our spiritual sensitivity or disregard our moral duties?… Let’s dive into the Word

One thing I have heard great preachers often say is that offense kills the fervency of the believer. Relating to the first scripture of study, Paul commends so long it depends on us, to live peaceably with all men. How far do we go in safeguarding peace with others and what does it actually take? Paul’s admonition here is that where we have a part to play, where it becomes our responsibility if there be any means for us to see to bringing an atmosphere that does not stir strive, we ought to do so. This however also requires an aspect of us not to act in a way that affects that peace, including inaction or even so, walking away. Everything the bible teaches is for the pruning, growth and perfecting of the believer. One thing, we never saw Jesus do is be in strife with anyone, even the son of God had the courage to walk away when it was necessary( John 4:43-44). In His dealings with the Pharisees who always contradicted His acts, He knew when to rebuke them and when to walk away from their arguments.

Not only do we make the effort of walking away from such atmospheres of hostility but as Titus 3:10 puts it, to reject a divisive man, admonishing individuals that stir up strife, arguments and senseless talks are to be avoided. It is an honor for a man to cease from strife(Proverbs 20:3 a), where we choose to partake in such occurrences we stoop low contrary to our spiritual nature taking after Christ.

This brings us to the second scripture of study, Mathew 5 begins with the beatitudes and further teaches the believer about character. In the rendition of Jesus in this chapter, all He touches upon is to the end believers are to make a difference in the earth, believers are the essential ingredient and element in a world of darkness and gloom. In verse 9 adding to the basis of our study today, the key word stated; the peacemakers. A peacemaker is not one who simply partakes in an action to bring peace, but also one who knows all mechanisms to bring about peace. James 1:19, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Meaning in our speech and reaction to situations that calls for anger, we should tread carefully. As you walk out your door today, many situations will call for you to act out of character, but remember these words of Jesus, remember who you are in Him, apply wisdom in relating to people around you, choose your words wisely, and always choose peace. It may take walking away, it may take your effort, either way, be the light, salt, and peacemaker the world needs.

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