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The Author

I am Edna Gyebi, a fellow sister or daughter in the faith. So many prophecies, concerning my life had been spoken, and God had revealed to me many dreams concerning His plan for my life. However, I had not seen the manifestation thereof. So it is with many believers, many at times God speaks concerning our future and His plans for us, but we sit and wait till it manifests. But, we are to contend and seek, until that spoken Word and vision is manifested. This is a lesson I learnt, over the course time, as I became frustrated, not seeing that which had been spoken, manifested.

Over a period of time as I continued in prayer, the Lord spoke to me one night as I prayed concerning what I must to do in corporation with His plan. Yes, God’s plan requires your corporation, His will demands execution in alliance with the submission of your will. He bestowed upon you, the autonomy over your will, that you may make the choice to submit to Him or live to yourself. The Lord then gave me a name concerning that which I must begin, Called and Fearless, not a mere a devotional guide but a form of storage to write down that which the Lord speaks on a daily basis from the secret place of prayer. Usually, as I prayed, the Lord would drop messages and words in my heart, which I only shared with my contacts by means of status updates. But in a dream, the Lord revealed how these messages needed to go far beyond my contact list.

In short, it was high time, I began establishing that which the Lord had laid upon my heart. This piece goes beyond Bible studies or a daily devotion . This is a platform I share the Words derived from the secret place, for all and for all circumstances. Each time, you visit this page, be assured to be encouraged strengthened, and empowered. And most of all, to build your most holy faith.