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The Seer’s Anointing

The word ‘‘Seer” is from two Hebrew words Roeh and Hozeh, the first word in Hebrew simply means to see. In the Old Testament Seers were closer to the kings in ruling the nation of Israel and often asked for counsel and advice; most of them were counsellors, this is more affiliated to the second word, Hozeh.

Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to enquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer.) 1Samuel 9:9

The above scripture reveals the seer dimension of the prophetic ministry in Israel. With Samuel regarded as a first Seer and a diviner-simply someone who receives divine messges from God on behalf of man. His prophetic ministry bridged the Gap between the Seer- (Roeh) dimension and Prophet -(Nabiy)-which simply means in heberw to speak forth or bubble up, hence, a prophet is a spokesperson of God. These were the two main streams of Prophetism in Israel. In ancient Israel whenever someone needed to take a critical decision in life they normally consulted or inquired of a seer so as to know the mind of God concerning their lives. In this dispensation the seer dimension of the prophetic ministry is still valid and in operation of which I have been beneficiary of this gift in my own life, family,church and also nation in which I dwell as a whole.

In these last days the seer anointing is needed like never before, as it was prophesied by the prophet Joel :
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:(Joel 2:28)

Seers walk in multiplied visions and dreams. Anyone who operates in this prophetic office does not have just prophetic visions and dreams every now and then; this gift operates on consistently and rapidly in their life. The more a seer sees the more he hears from God. This often comes through motion pictures and videos imprinted in their spirit and mind ; which flashes in seconds. Seers are very visual when it comes to their mode of operation.

I do remember one day during a prayer meeting in a youth gathering I saw in a vision a group of kids with rope tied with each other heading towards a cliff. All of a sudden the Lord impressed on my heart to lift up prayers against the spirit of suicide in the community. Little did I know a news came up of the death of a young boy as a result of suicide in a school within the community. Also another instance was when in one of an all-night the Lord open my eyes and I saw in a vision that at a certain area of within church the enemy was planning a stroke on the life of a member of the church. I lift up prayers against that attack little did I know the attack was about to take place while at church. I can go on and on in the area of prophetic dreams and visions , due to time constraint let’s go on further about the seer’s anointing.

Every seer is a prophet but not all prophets are seers. Why this statement? Not all prophets are gifted in the seeing realm, in that, their means of hearing from God are mainly through the auditory realm that is the communicative realm hearing and speaking so the more a prophet Nabiy hears from God the more he can speak the mind of God. A Nabiy prophet can see in dreams and visions every now and then but that does not make him a seer. These two prophetic streams are equally important and needed in our generation for the equipping of the saints and for the edifying of the body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:7-11).

How can one know he/she is called into the office of a Seer.
He or she has the ability to operate in at least two of the revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit which include: word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits this is manifested in persistent, rapid and multiplied dreams and visions, also the ability to interpret dreams. Seers are often than not interpreters, that is they have the ability to dream and interpret dreams and dissolve doubts, arguments, solve hard sentences and riddles. This was revealed in the life of Prophet Daniel and Joseph in the land of Babylon and Egypt respectively.

Another sign that you are called a seer is that, one has the ability to receive messages from God in the form of impressions and images dropped in their hearts concerning people, situations and so on. This is evident in the example I gave earlier in the two visions I shared above. These imprint in the heart of a seer drives him into his secret place to interceed for the people involved in the vision, either to avert or enforce into manifestion the will of God or destroy the plans of the devil. Seers are often prophetic intercessors.

A sign that you are a seer is that you have an intense passion for prayer and prophetic intercession. The more a seer prays the more he receives divine messages from God which can come in a form of dreams and visions while in prayer or after prayer. I notice this a lot that the more I enter into intense prayer and warfare and worship, divine messages are released unto me about my life and that of others regarding their lives as well. This is also revealed in the ability to write faith inspired books. This was seen in the life of Moses, having the ability to pen down the first book of the Old testament, Genesis, even though he was not alive when some of the event took place.

One of the sign that you are called into a seer dimension of the prophetic is that you often have prophetic recognition often called Deja vu. Your spirit captures event beforehand hence whenever it happens these promptings beckons on your spirit and mind, that, this situation has happened before now. The seer see in advance hence he operates in advance knowledge. Bear in mind a seer does not know everything, only God lives in that realm of omniscience. This seer dimension is often not talked about in our days and many are operating in it in our days but not even aware of this gift that is what this blog seeks to do. If you have these signs operating in your life you are not alone for God is raising many of your kind in these last days for the work of the ministry and for the edification of the body of Christ until we all attain the measure and the stature of the fullness of Christ.(Ephesians 4:7-11)

How to sharpen the seer’s anointing.
The passion for intense prayer and fasting . In order for one to walk and operate in this dimension effectively and effficiently prayer and fasting is a powerful tool. In the seer realm the lifestyle of prayer and fasting cannot be overlooked or underestimated, it is part of the culture of a seer in the kingdom of God. God our father is constantly speaking and His desire is to communicate his intent and mind to men who have avail themselves through the weapon of prayer and fasting to consecrate and sanctify themselves for His use in the Kingdom. So as to expose the works of the devil.

Another key to walking in the seer dimension is to walk in purity, holiness and righteousness. This ought to be the lifestyle of every seer who wishes for God to use their vessels in the realm of seeing since God cannot operate effectively through a contaminated or polluted vessels. We all have not yet attain perfection yet but daily we strive to live a holy and righteous life by the special grace of God. The cleaner your vessel as a seer the clearer you see and hear from God. Hence walking in purity and holiness makes you operate in a more confident way and accurately in the realms of the spirit. The more your members are yielded to the spirit the more sharper and clearer you see and hear from God.

Another way of walking in this seer dimension is celebrating and walking in the company of prophetic seers. Whenever someone find him/herself in a mosquito infested environment he need not beg mosquitoes to bite him or afflict her with the plasmodium parasite. Your association determines your environment and what governs or rule your life as a believer and what you embrace you become.

I would like to touch on the last but not the least, which is beyond all the above keys, that is having a clean and a pure heart towards God and man. This basically means to walk in genuine love towards God and humanity. For he that walks in love fulfill all the commandments of God. Without having a genuine heart and passion for God and love for man all the aforementioned tools or keys will be in vain. This is one of the most powerful ways to walk in the seer dimension. When your heart becomes the throne in which God reveals His intent and plans and purposes; your heart ought to be pure from malice, lust, pride, rebellion, stubborn, unforgiveness, bitterness, greed, ambition, vain glory and so on. Beyond prayer and fasting what God cannot despise is a clean heart and contrite spirit (Psalm 51).

In operating in the seer anointing all the sensory dimensions are activated and used in seeing and hearing from God. These include: smelling, tasting, seeing, hearing and feeling all these realm are opened to the seer, in the next blog I will dive more into that, as well as the mystery of dreams and visions. Stay blessed and stay anointed.

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